More on Heads and Faces

In the last post, I put one of my friends faces onto an avatar. As mentioned while this acheived much of what I wanted, I felt there needed to be some additional adjustments.

The real Bill, who already bears some resemblence to how I imagined Smuggler Bill should look, basically has a squarer head than my standard Avatar.

Here are some of the things iClone lets you do.

First I chose an Avatar. In this case I used the 3G Character Benny. He is quite stocky and looks like he could hold his own as leader of a band of smugglers.

First I changed his upper clothing and deleted his wig (sorry hair).

Next I applied Bill’s face to him and started manipulating the facial features offered in the Modify panel to the right of the screen. This allows you numerous shaping options for the face, eyes, chin, cheeks, eyes etc. (see the red arrow in the image below).

Alternatively, by pressing the Detail button at the bottom on the right in the Modify panel, we get a facial pop-up where we can edit the facial features by dragging mesh points on the face. By clicking the mirror option in the pop up, we can get both sides of the face to change equally, by making the changes to just one side.

By flattening Bill’s chin and pulling out the sides of the top of his head, he now begins to more resemble my real friend Bill.


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