Archive for the 'C. Story Line & Research' Category

Bill’s Mill Mistory

I decided to try to find out a little more about the Mill on Monkton Hill. As I said in my previous post I could find no trace of a place in Thanet called Monkton Hill except in the Barham story of Smuggler’s Leap (which in some earlier maps is marked as Thunnor’s Leap). At the […]

An Historical Inconsistency in the Smuggler Bill Story

If you have read my earlier posts, you will have realised that while I have accepted that getting everything historically accurate for this animation would take a life time or more, I would like to include some historical realism. The Ingoldsby Legends (at least my edition from 1921 does) prefaces “The Smuggler’s Leap” story with this statement:- […]

Rebuilding St. Mary’s Reculver

As mentioned in an earlier post, my first attempt to build Reculver was done entirely in iClone2 and did not take into account that in the early 18th century (early 1700s) that St. Mary’s would have been a complete church not just a couple of towers. I did some internet research and found a small […]

Background of my Smuggler Bill project

When I was young my family used to often travel to Birchington in Kent to stay with an uncle and aunt during our summer holidays. At the time we lived in the Tunbridge Wells area and used to travel to Birchington by car. Shortly before arriving we would approach Acol and our father told us […]

The Story of Smuggler Bill – Compressed

As mentioned in a previous post, when I was young my family used to go to Birchington in Thanet, Kent to stay with an uncle and aunt during our summer holidays. As we approached the Birchington area by car my father used to point to a chalk pit to the left of the road and say “That is where […]