iClone6 is Here

Despite my reservations about installing new software releases, I have just downloaded and installed iClone6 and the provided content pack.

Of course I haven’t uninstalled iClone5 yet.

The installation went smoothly with no apparent issues. Norton popped up with an information panel to tell me that so far, no more than five Norton users have installed iClone6, but overall despite lack of firm stats about issues, gave the iClone6 installation exe a clean bill of health.

Having opened iClone6 and had a very quick play I can see there is going to be quite a significant learning process.

All I have done so far is loaded one of the provided scenes and played with the lighting. It looks like that church could be a nice feature in my Smuggler Bill project – maybe the statue too. By the way if you click on the screenshot you should be taken to a larger version of the image. Pressing the Back button should return you to here.

iClone6 my First Screenshot

iClone6 my first Screenshot

Although it is good for the bank account to be busy at work, there are times when one wishes there was more time to pursue other interests. The launch of iClone6 is one of those occasions and I can’t wait to delve deeper.

Hopefully the Christmas break will give me time to get some serious familiarisation done. In particular I will be interested to see if there are any issues when I try to bring some of my iClone5 projects, scenes, actors, props etc. into iClone6. A burning question will be the process I will need to follow, and whether rendering old iClone5 scenes in iClone6, using the Indigo plugin, will provide any visible benefits.

And of course how do I get rid of that text panel which says Courtyard?

Clicking on the iClone5 vertical banner image to the right of this text will now take you to a Reallusion page from which you can download a free trial version of iClone6 Pro.

Seasons greetings to all.


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