Archive for the 'M. Tools – B2M' Category

Smuggler Bill needs a Mill

“Smuggler Bill Dashes round by the mill That stands near the road upon Monkton Hill” My searches of the internet for information about Monkton Hill, seemed to suggest that such a place exists in Chippenham, Wiltshire, but I could find no trace of it in Kent, except in references to the Smuggler’s Leap story in […]

Scenery Props – Cobbled Streets & Muddy Roads

When I started constructing this set, my terrain was a plain flat grass covered field. When I began adding houses, it looked a bit unnatural to have nice undamaged grass streets, so I decided some detailing needed to be added. I considered purchasing some cobbled streets and may still do so for some sets. The ready made ones […]

Scenery Props – Some Houses

I decided that I will need to pepper my scenes with at least a village or two and the odd lone house for Smuggler Bill and Exciseman Gill to ride past. There are plenty of suitable buildings in the Google / Trimble 3D warehouse, but I decided to get started by buying an iClone content pack […]

Making a Material with B2M (Bitmap to Material) for use in iClone

I mentioned in my previous post that I needed some chalk cliff face to line my pit and cover my cliffs. Here are the steps I followed:- Opened Bitmap2Material program. The following sequence of actions is numbered as per the image above. 1. Dropped a jpg image of a section of chalk cliff face into the […]