Archive for the 'E. Clothing' Category

An Opportunity to Speed up the Project

Today I received an email from Reallusion offering a limited time offer of 50% discount off the price of G5 Character packs available in their content store. I browsed and figured that purchasing a couple of these packs would save me some time. I need a mix of Smugglers, Excisemen and a couple of Frenchies to […]

How will he look in his coat on a horse?

This is a follow on from my previous post about making a long coat. I noticed that strangely, although there is a slit in the back of the original CloneCloth long coat when Chuck is wearing it, the slit does not appear in the CloneCloth template for the back panel of the long coat. Because of me shortening the […]

Long Coats

It can get pretty cold in England, especially at night. We don’t know what time of year Smuggler Bill met with his sticky end, but since it will be nice to have some wind gusting or even howling in the background, I will assume it was a pretty chilly night and coats, for those who could […]

Making Props – A tricorn hat

Clearly I am going to need a lot of costume items for both the smugglers and for the excisemen. While I will try to find as many as possible in among the iClone marketplace freebies, I will also have to construct some. I figure one way of helping to differentiate the smugglers from the excise […]